Hello D20 Community,
CEC 20 held its monthly meeting last night at P.S. 69 Vincent D. Grippo School. Principal Capetanakis and her staff were extremely welcoming and accommodating. We appreciate the opportunity to have held our meeting at P.S. 69! Thank you to everyone who joined us, whether in person or online, your engagement and valuable input is much appreciated! Notable topics discussed at our meeting include -
High School Presentations
High schools in District 20 presented an overview of their schools. High Schools that presented include Fort Hamilton High School, Franklin D. Roosevelt High School, High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology, MESA 2 Charter High School, New Utrecht High School, and Urban Assembly School for Leadership and Empowerment. High school applications are currently open and you can find more information here
D75 Representatives Presentation
Representatives from D75 attended our meeting to share current data and details regarding D75 students in our district. We appreciate their efforts in maintaining open communication between the community and their offices.
Resolution 2 - SHSAT Contract
CEC 20 approved Resolution 2 which urges the Panel for Educational Policy to ensure continuity in the administration of the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test by approving the Pearson Assessment Contract. On November 20, 2024 the Panel for Education Policy will consider a vote to approve a new five-year contract with NCS Pearson, Inc. to provide a standardized testing program for Specialized High Schools Admissions Test. As per the Hecht Calandra Act, admission to New York City Public Schools, Specialized High Schools must be determined “solely and exclusively by taking a competitive, objective, and scholastic achievement examination." We urge the PEP to approve the Pearson Contract. You can find the resolution here.
CEC 20 Elections
We would like to thank all the candidates who applied to our vacant seat. CEC 20 had a great number of qualified candidates. It is encouraging to see individuals in our community who are passionate about making a difference. That being said, we are happy to welcome Alina Lewis as the newest member of CEC 20. Their willingness to share their expertise and experiences with us is truly appreciated. We also elected current Council Member Kevin Zhao as our recording secretary.
Stay connected by visiting our website, attending future meetings, and reaching out to your community representatives or us with any questions or suggestions. If you were unable to attend last night's meeting, please visit our YouTube Channel to watch the entire recording. Thank you once again for your attendance and active participation. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on December 11th at P.S. 176 The Ovington School!
